國立台灣科技大學網路學習研究中心迷你數位教育遊戲團隊 NTUST MEG | 團隊簡介 |


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國立台灣科技大學網路學習研究中心迷你教育遊戲設計團隊 NTUST MEG (Mini Educational Game group, e-Learning Research Center, NTUST) 為 2011 年起,於台科大網路學習研究中心下所成立,專門培養教育遊戲研究與開發人才、發展迷你教育遊戲(包含數位教育遊戲、桌上遊戲與遊戲化教學活動)、推廣遊戲化學習於翻轉教室教育現場與親子互動場域,並進行產學合作交流的遊戲式學習研究團隊。本團隊本著研究回饋教育現場的熱忱,並針對未來教師評鑑與數位創新教學與翻轉教室遊戲化學習活動的趨勢! 自行陸續研發以學習與心理學理論為基礎發展之迷你教育遊戲,力求在淨除負面影響且能在高動機下進行悅趣學習! 我們團隊的遊戲學習的特色是"在設計階段便以專業面向考量認知與社會互動歷程,並用多元維度客觀評估玩家行為模式",然後提供小遊戲們給教師們作為創新教學之用。本團隊由曾獲得行政院國家科學委員會吳大猷先生紀念獎與行政院國家科學委員會優秀年輕學者四年期補助計畫之侯惠澤副教授為團隊主持人。

本團隊許多作品曾獲得全球華人許多遊戲開發重要獎項,其中包含全球華人最重要且具最影響力電玩交流平台之一的巴哈姆特電玩資訊站所舉辦之「2011 巴哈姆特第二屆創意遊戲設計大賽」榮獲入圍並勇奪第四名佳績!(該次比賽著重遊戲的創意構想,且係與職業隊伍一同競逐)。且亦曾獲得由全國 RPG 界知名網站、論壇等共同舉辦之「2011 RPG Maker 第二屆遊戲製作大賽」勇奪最高人氣獎。並於 2011 年在北京大學舉行的「數碼遊戲化學習國際學術會議」得到優秀教育遊戲提名獎。 本團隊多個遊戲相關研究已發表於國際SSCI期刊與學術研討會,並持續進行迷你型教育遊戲、遊戲化教學方案設計與App開發、教學現場推廣、學習行為分析、並參與各式競賽以及持續擴展各式之產學合作!





The introduction of Mini Educational Game development group in e-Learning Research Center, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Mini Educational Game development group (NTUST MEG) was founded by the e-Learning Research Center in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology in 2011. Our research group was established for cultivating the researchers and developers in digital educational games, developing mini educational games, promoting digital game-based learning to the educational fields, and undertaking industry-university cooperative interaction. Dr. Huei-Tse Hou, an associate professor, is the group director who was awarded the Winner of the 2010 Ta-You Wu Memorial Award of National Science Council, Taiwan (NSC) and a Four-year Grant Supporting Project of Outstanding Young Scholar of NSC. Many researches related to our games have been published in international SSCI journals and academic conferences, and now we are continuously developing mini educational games and APPs, promoting to the educational fields, conducting analyses of learning behavior, joining various contests, and expanding various types of industry-university cooperation!


Are you interested in digital learning and game-based learning?

We welcome your cooperation, including international research cooperation, promotional cooperation from schools or teachers, and industry-university cooperation. Also, if you are good at information technology or fine arts, welcome to join us! If you want to join our team or have interest in any cooperation, please contact us!