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Huei-Tse Hou


Huei-Tse Hou Ph.D.

Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

國立台灣科技大學應用科技研究所教授 侯惠澤博士

hthou [at] mail.ntust.edu.tw

Interest of research:
Learning behavioral pattern analysis
Game-based mobile learning system
Instructional knowledge management/sharing

侯惠澤博士2008年畢業於台灣師範大學資訊教育研究所博士班,目前為國立臺灣科技大學應用科技研究所科學教育與數位學習領域教授,同時也是臺灣科技大學網路學習研究中心迷你數位教育遊戲開發團隊(NTUST MEG)主持人,他的研究專長在於學習行為模式分析、數位教育遊戲之教學機制與系統發展、Web 2.0教學策略、教師知識管理系統等議題。

侯惠澤教授為教學科技領域中學習行為模式分析的國際重要學者之一,尤其精通運用與整合多維度分析方法(包含量化內容分析、群集分析與序列分析等)分析學習歷程行為模式,發表教學科技的研究文章已超過100篇,其中包含40篇以上的SSCI期刊論文(2014/6統計,共計發表教學科技領域SSCI期刊論文38篇,其中,第一作者或通訊作者占七成,其中有5篇為單一作者,且有10篇是發表在該領域該年度影響係數(Impact Factor, IF)排名之前10%內的頂尖SSCI期刊中)。侯惠澤教授為近五年來(2009~2014/6) ISI Web of Science SSCI資料庫中在Education and Educational Research領域SSCI期刊中以行為模式(behavioral pattern)或內容分析(content analysis)為主題關鍵字進行檢索,研究文章數量均為全球前三名內具影響力的國際學者(2014六月統計)。侯老師已擔任超過20個國際教育相關期刊的編輯委員或審查委員(其中包含擔任12個以上數位學習領域SSCI期刊的審查委員),並包含擔任國際專書主編。由於其於數位學習與學習行為模式分析上的成果,他於2010年獲得行政院國家科學委員會獎勵優秀年輕學者的吳大猷先生紀念獎、臺灣科技大學2011年傑出研究及創作獎,並獲國科會優秀年輕學者計畫四年期補助計畫與臺灣科技大學年輕學者研究獎。

侯教授主要研究特色為致力於針對較複雜學習情境(如:各種合作問題解決的學習活動歷程)之長時間或大量的實徵學習歷程編碼進行縝密的之量化內容分析、序列分析與各種學習行為模式之視覺化與深入剖析,並針對其研究方法進行不斷地整合與創新,也將此分析運用於教育遊戲中學習者的行為模式分析。其中關於序列分析運用於教學科技方面的研究,2008年於Educational Technology & Society期刊所發表的SSCI期刊著作,為檢索近六年來(2008~2014/6) ISI Web of Science SSCI資料庫中在Education and Educational Research領域SSCI期刊中以序列分析(sequential analysis)為關鍵字檢索的研究中被引用次數最高的文章(2014六月統計)。侯教授關於數位學習行為模式分析的實徵研究、研究方法的創新性運用與研究方法之研發的SSCI著作超過20篇,已經具備數位學習行為模式分析領域相當之國際影響力。侯教授並受邀於各校演講數位學習行為模式分析議題超過十餘場次以上,其中並受邀於2014年由科技部與師大合辦之全國資訊教育學門數位學習研究方法與議題進階工作坊擔任序列分析與內容分析方法的主講專家。

在國際交流方面,侯老師為華人探究學習學會(Chinese Society for Inquiry Learning, CSIL)理事,並為全球華人GCCCE (Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education) 2014研討會之子會議 Joyful Learning and Society議程副主席,積極從事國際交流,於近數年連續分別於數位學習7個場次重要國際研討會中申請或受邀組織舉辦關於科技輔助STEM學習以及數位教育遊戲的Workshop,並擔任超過10場次的教學科技國際研討會的議程委員或Workshop Organizer,積極在所屬的專業領域下長期經營國際合作關係。

在實務方面,侯老師也積極將研究成果回饋與推廣給教學現場,並指導所屬團隊參加許多全球華人遊戲設計競賽獲獎,舉辦教師工作坊、提升教育遊戲作品的品質與接受度。此外,侯老師也積極于校園推廣遊戲化創新教學活動的推廣,包含數位遊戲教學活動、教育桌遊與親子遊戲式學習的創意教案與教具的研發與推廣。侯老師並主持與遊戲式學習相關的產學計畫,協助遊戲學習產業設計發展遊戲學習產品。侯教授在教師知識管理與教師專業社群部分的研究與實務也有著墨。他負責統籌跨校研究團隊(臺灣科大與臺灣師大),持續提出最新構想,並規畫、設計、管理研究團隊人員,研究建置並延展同時整合教學設計理論與知識管理策略的教師數位教學知識管理整合環境-WIDE-KM平臺,以研究回饋於社會之理念,由2004年初建置至今經過多年的推廣,十年來已經有三萬名以上會員參與(2014年六月統計),已成為臺灣十分具代表性的教師知識管理部落格社群環境。與此相關之計畫亦獲選為2009年國家科學委員會科學教育發展處年度優良研究成果之應用計畫。侯教授也在知識管理領域擔任國際專書主編,編輯三本國際知識管理學術專書,目前三本專書所有各章節之所有全文檔案,總計於線上已經有超過100個國家或地區超過10萬次以上的下載(三本書籍,所有篇章被下載總數合計,2014六月統計),具有一定之國際影響力。 按此觀看侯老師的學術服務、研究計畫、得獎經驗與著作列表

Dr. Huei-Tse Hou received his Ph. D degree in Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education from National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) in 2008. He is now a Professor of Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) and the Director of Mini-Educational Game development Group in E-learning Research Center of NTUST (NTUST MEG). Dr. Hou’s research interests include learning behavioral pattern analysis, game-based learning, Web 2.0 teaching strategies, and teacher knowledge management, etc.

Dr. Huei-Tse Hou is one of the important international scholars of learning behavioral pattern analysis in the field of educational technology. He especially specializes in integrating and applying multi-dimensional analysis to students’ learning behavioral patterns (including quantitative content analysis, cluster analysis, sequential analysis, etc). Dr. Hou has published more than 100 research papers in the field of educational technology, including more than 40 SSCI journal papers (calculated by 2014/6; 38 SSCI journal papers were published by Dr. Hou, who was listed as the first or corresponding author in 70% of these papers and as the single author in 5 articles. 10 articles were published in the journals whose impact factor, IF, was in the top 10% of the field and year.)

Dr. Huei-Tse Hou is an influential international scholar and the number of his published papers is within the top three of the world (calculated by 2014/6), searched with the keywords of ‘behavioral pattern’ and ‘content analysis’ in the SSCI journals of Education and Educational Research field, in the ISI Web of Science SSCI database within recent five years (2009~2014/6). Dr. Hou serves as the editorial board member or the reviewer for more than 20 international educational journals (including the reviewer for more than 12 SSCI journals related to digital learning field). Owing to his outstanding performance in research of learning behavioral pattern analysis, Dr. Hou received the Ta-You Wu Memorial Award (Young Outstanding Researcher Award) from the National Science Council, Taiwan in 2010, the NTUST Outstanding Research Award in 2011, four-year project of Young Outstanding Researcher funded by National Science Council, and the NTUST Young Outstanding Researcher Award.

Dr. Hou is mainly devoted to careful quantitative content analysis, sequential analysis, and visualization and investigation of all kinds of learning behavioral patterns for long-term or large-scale empirical learning process in more complex learning contexts (e.g. collaborative problem-solving learning process), as well as integration and innovation in research methods. In terms of the application of sequential analysis in educational technology research, the article published in Educational Technology & Society Journal (SSCI) in 2008 is the study cited the most (by 2014/6), searched with the keywords of ‘sequential analysis’ in the SSCI journals of Education and Educational Research field, in the ISI Web of Science SSCI database within recent six years (2008~2014/6). Dr. Hou has published more than 20 SSCI journal papers related to the empirical studies, innovation, and development of research methods of the digital learning behavioral patterns, thus being internationally influential in this field.

Dr. Hou has been invited for more than ten speeches on the topic of digital learning behavioral pattern analysis. Dr. Hou was also invited as the keynote speaker on the topic of sequential analysis and quantitative content analysis in the advanced workshop of digital learning research method and issues held by Ministry of Science and Technology and National Taiwan Normal University in 2014.

In terms of international communication, Dr. Hou is the managing supervisor of Chinese Society for Inquiry Learning, CSIL, and the co-Chair of sub-conference program ‘Joyful Learning and Society’ in Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2014. Pursuing international communication, Dr. Hou applied for or was invited to be an organizer for the workshops of digital educational games and STEM education issues in 7 international conferences these years. He also served as the program committee member or the workshop organizer in more than 10 international educational technology conferences, eager to develop a long-term international cooperation relationship with his specialties.

On the other hand, Dr. Hou also applied and promoted the findings of his research to the teaching context, directing his team to participate in many game competitions for all Chinese for prize, holding teacher workshops, increasing the quality and acceptability of the games. In addition, Dr. Hou is devoted to promoting game-based innovation teaching activities at schools, including digital game-based teaching activities, the development and promotion of creative teaching plans for educational board games and parent-child play. Dr. Hou is also responsible for many industry-university cooperative research projects related to game-based learning and helps design and develop game-based learning products.

Dr. Hou also has contribution in the research and practice of teacher knowledge management and teacher professional learning community. He is responsible for leading the research team (from NTUST and NTNU), generating the ideas, planning, designing, and managing the team members, constructing and developing WIDE-KM, a digital knowledge management platform for teachers that integrates instructional design theories and knowledge management strategies. Based on the belief that one should contribute to the society from research findings, the platform has become a representative teacher knowledge management blog community in Taiwan with more than 30,000 members’ participation within ten years (by 2014/6) since its early construction in 2004 and promotion for years. The related project was also chosen as the outstanding research application project of the year by the science education development center of National Science Council in 2009. Dr. Hou also serves as the international editor for books on knowledge management field and is responsible for editing three international academic books on knowledge management. So far, all online chapter files of these three books have been downloaded more than 100,000 times by more than 100 countries or regions (sum of times for downloading all chapters in three books, by 2014/6). Therefore, these books are internationally influential to some extent.

CV of Dr. Huei-Tse Hou (Publications, Projects and Academic Services)